Phish Fact #1 There are certain keywords that often pop up in the subject lines of emails with malicious intent. Watch out for these words and how they might be used. Invoice Re: Invoice Missing Inv ####; From [Legitimate Business Name] INV #### New New Message from #### New Scanned Fax Doc-Delivery for #### New […]
History of the Web
Tim Berners-Lee is credited with the creation of the World Wide Web in 1989. It was originally created as a way that he could communicate and share things with co-workers via hyperlinks. Today, just 33 years later, the World Wide Web has become a main means of communication and has provided opportunities that would have […]
Tax Time Security Tips
General Tips to Prepare Your Devices Setup Multi-Factor Authentication Whenever possible, set up multi-factor authentication (MFA). This will create an extra layer of security to protect your online accounts. Most tax preparation services will offer MFA as well as most email services. Do Updates Before beginning your filing process, make sure that all internet-connected devices […]
Love is in the air… and so are romance scams
What are romance scams? In romance scams, the scammer creates a fake online profile often using photos of other people. They will usually profess their love quickly and share made-up stories with reasons for desperately needing money. Sometimes the scammers will even involve their victim in online bank fraud without the victim realizing they are […]
Securing your Internet-Connected Devices
Your Router Securing your internet-connected devices starts with where they all connect: your router. First things first, you’ll need to change your router settings from the default ones. Every router comes with default settings, so you’ll want to change the name of your network, username, and password. Make sure you don’t make usernames or passwords […]