I recently presented to local 6th grade students on careers in STEM; as part of my presentation, I always like to include a little bit of privacy and IT security information. During our discussions, many of the students relay that they are the go-to IT provider at home – especially for “easy” setups like Amazon […]
Windows 10 in Education
Each purchasing and refresh cycle, educators struggle with this question, “Do my students need to learn to use Microsoft products to succeed in a modern world?” We would like to think that teachers and curriculum are able to provide content, guidance and strategies that promotes learning and troubleshooting from a brand agnostic perspective. If you […]
Fall Education Solutions
Did you catch our latest K-12 Newsletter? View it online!
Fake Adobe Flash – Mac
Our techs have seen a few machines (Mac laptops specifically) come through recently that have fallen victim to the same fake Adobe Flash update prompt. These users were all performing seemingly normal tasks on Chrome, clicked on a link to go to a specific site, and the link popped up a series of Adobe Flash […]
Browser Hijacks
Innocent internet scrolling has been the antecedent for many frantic phone calls to our office: I was just scrolling through facebook and clicked on something interesting; now my computer is beeping at me and telling me I have to call this 1-800 number to get rid of a virus! This issue is generally what we […]