I’m beginning a new endeavor as a part-time preschool teacher this fall, and I’m taking my iPad with me. Technology integration has long been one of my strengths in the classroom, and I have used labs and software and websites as a tool to enhance our learning and illustrate our application of skills and knowledge. […]
In Education, Thin (computing) is In
We work with numerous educational institutions. Like everyone else, they are finding creative ways to do more computing with less funding. Desktop virtualization and thin client computing is a trend we see increasing to meet the demands of lower-cost solutions for 21st Century learning opportunities. The goal of any desktop virtualization or thin computing project […]
Why I love my iPad
Let me preface this entire post with the following statement: I consider myself to be an early adopter of technology, and regard it as somewhat of a necessity in my line of work. I also enjoy trying new things. When Steve Jobs unveiled the magical device known as the iPad, I was a bit skeptical. […]
Internet Explorer 6: Ticking time bomb
I logged into our internet banking portal this week to pay some bills and transfer funds within my personal accounts, and found this ominous warning: My first reaction was to laugh and think, “Who uses Internet Explorer at all for online banking?”
Can Windows and Mac OS co-exist peacefully?
The desktop/laptop market is most certainly dominated by Microsoft Windows as it has been for many years now. This is especially true amongst business users as the overwhelming majority of business applications run on Microsoft Windows. However, the market share for Apple’s Mac OS is on the rise, and has been for the last 5-10 […]