Many people may not realize that honey bees are responsible for more than just honey and beeswax production. Honey bees are responsible for much of the food we see on our dinner plates every day. According to the FDA, more that 90 crops in the U.S. relies on bee pollination. These amazing insects pollinate about […]
Emotet is back– and it shows up where you’d least expect it.
You may be very familiar with the fact that most malware is spread by clicking URLs on hacked websites, or that was sent in a spam email. But what may be a less-known fact is that malware can also be spread through URLs, Word or Excel documents, or other attachments on emails. The dreaded malware, […]
SonicWall Threat Report
Our security partner Sonicwall recently released their mid-year threat report. This looks at firewall traffic, email filtering and other data sources to identify and evaluate current cyber threats. Some of the threats are not surprising, including threats that use COVID topics to encourage users to click unsafe links or provide personal information. See the full […]
SonicWall Threat Report: Intrusions and Cryptomining
What are intrusions? Intrusions are purposeful attempts to access the server and the network infrastructure of a corporation, school or government entity. Intrusions are up 19%. Many networks have opened ports, firewalls, servers, etc. to outside connections to allow users to work from home. Cyber criminals are using these vulnerabilities to attack servers. There are […]
SonicWall Threat Report: Malware
What is malware? Software that intentionally seeks to cause damage to a computer or device. Malware is an umbrella term for many malicious software variants including viruses, ransomware, and spyware. Current threats/trends: Malware is down overall, but attacks towards IoT devices have increased 50%. IoT devices include: Ring doorbells, home security cameras, baby monitors, smart […]