A month ago, Google rolled out its encrypted search option, which allows users exploring through https://www.google.com to seemingly search in stealth mode. For public library and internet cafe users, bored private sector employees, and non-American Googlers, this news was heralded with great excitement and a flurry of key presses; nobody can see what we are […]
While attending the Ingram-Micro Spring Partner Connection Summit this May in sunny Hollywood, Florida, I watched lifeguards rescue swimmer after swimmer that lost track of their location in the ocean and were pulled out to sea in a dangerous riptide. My wife and I couldn’t understand why swimmers weren’t splashing within the limits of the […]
Evaluating 1:1 Initiatives
I was talking with a school administrator recently that is retiring from his Superintendent’s position this June. Earlier this year, his School Board had been discussing and planning a 1:1 laptop initiative. The Superintendent is tech-saavy; he can knowledgeably reboot servers and run commands from terminal, but also knows how to make technology work as […]
Schooled in the Cloud
Cloud computing and collaborative environments topped the 2010 Horizon Report of technologies to watch and expect in the K-12 arena for the coming year, and both private companies and publicly funded entities are creating and merging products to meet that expectation. Infrastructure Technology Solutions serves 20+ K-12 education clients throughout Eastern Iowa with security cameras, […]
Smart Web Strategies for Small Business
Before we built our data center and developed our consulting offerings, we built a lot of web sites for customers. With a guy to write code and a guy with a sharp eye for design, and we could roll out sites that showcased  businesses’ products and services fairly quickly. The customers we worked with didn’t […]