We are proud to be located in Iowa
Our ITS Data Center location is strategic. Iowa has the natural gifts to make it a supreme data center location, and it also boasts the financial ones. In addition, 42% of the energy generated in Iowa comes from wind, which entices many companies with green initiatives. Iowa also has a cool climate, which cuts costs on cooling down warm server racks. Iowa is also low risk when it comes to the likelihood of a natural disaster. All of these reasons is why ITS decided to build a data center right here on the prairie.
We are not alone in our way of thinking. Iowa has become a popular location for many large corporations to build centers to store their data. In 2009, Google set foot in Iowa and built a large data center in Council Bluffs. Shortly after, and also in 2009, Microsoft decided to also build a data center in Iowa. Following these two tech giants came Facebook in 2013. Microsoft now has 3 data centers located in Iowa and 2 more that are currently being constructed. Facebook has 5 data centers located in Iowa.