Have you fallen out of love with your current office phones? Maybe it’s that you’re tired of getting no help from the phone company when you experience issues. Or it could be that you have phones with too little capabilities for your growing business. Whatever the reason for your dislike of the current phone system, you may want to think about switching to top-of-the-line phones backed by a team that will provide help and service whenever it is needed.
ITS partners with 3CX to provide an IP Phone system that’s backed by our responsive, well-trained team. Our team provides the training you need to be able to successfully operate your phones. Best of all, you’ll experience minimal down-time and a smooth transition to your new phone system.
What is a PBX phone system?
A PBX phone system is a private telephone network that can be used within an organization. PBX phone users can make calls within their company or organization as well as make calls outside of their company or organization using a combination of different communication channels. With PBX phones, the amount of phone lines you have doesn’t limit you to the amount of phones you can have in your office. Furthermore, since IP phones can not only be connected through the local computer network but also via the internet, multiple office locations can be connected.
An IP PBX phone system offers many benefits to save you time. First, since PBX phones are internet and cloud-based phones, you won’t have to worry about downtime during a disaster because your phone system is hosted on the cloud. Yet another advantage to these phones can also be attributed to their cloud-based nature. Gone are the days of being tied down to your desk phone. With the 3CX mobile app and WebClient, you can make calls from anywhere. Whether your team members are on the road, out of the state, or working from home, you can still collaborate. You can even host conferences with clients or colleagues on the 3CX WebClient, saving you time and money.
If you’re interested in learning more about the difference our IP phones can make in your company or organization or would like to hear more benefits of adopting these phones in your office, please call our team at ITS. We are always happy to answer your questions or provide further information.
More online information about the IP phones we provide can be found here: IP Phone Systems