You may see this error sometimes when you visit certain websites. This error is simply a warning that there may be something wrong with the certificate on that particular page. In order to protect you and your personal information, your browser interrupts your web-surfing by showing that message and stopping you from accessing that page.
The certificates on webpages provide proof that a website is who they say they are. These digital certificates help protect your personal information, passwords, and payment information.
What is an SSL Connection Error?
You have probably noticed the https:// or http:// that appears before the rest of the web address. Http stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The “s” on https adds “secure” onto the http. This “s” comes from the SSL certificate. SSL certificates are necessary for serving websites over secure https connections.
There are a few things that can cause an SSL connection error.
- The certificate on the website could be missing or expired.
- Your browser could need updated.
- The date and time settings or other settings on your antivirus could be off.
- There could be an issue with the website server.